What "they" just don't get is that Occupy Wall Street is primarily a pro-democracy, anti-kleptocrat and anti-bankster Movement. Occupy Wall Street is not anti-wealth, it is not about class warfare, it is and I repeat, anti-kleptocratic. . Occupy Wall Street is pro-American in the traditional sense. It is about removing the anti-democratic influence of money from politics. Kleptocracies using government and the corrupt two party system are dangerously anti-American. The Movement can't let them take the high ground. The high ground belongs to the Movement.
The corrupt media uses all this protest to pull out their standard dividers. The Movement will naturally attract true conservatives and true progressives, and true moderates. The machine arrives on the scene with false "conservatives", and the false "progressives" pushing their corrupt status quo anti-democracy agendas. I am proud that the Movement sees through this. Stay the course. That is the Movement's strength and gives us the ability to not only see through the lies and misrepresentation, but to actually turn it against the corruptos.
Occupy Wall Street: We the People film clip; "They will not control us, we will be victorious".
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